Welcome Alumnae Sisters!
Remember Panhellenic membership extends beyond the scope of college years. Always remember the connections you have made as a USD Panhellenic sister and carry those memories with you always. We are forever here as your support system, and will stand by you in all of your future endeavors. Check back for more opportunities on how to stay involved after your time at USD!
Torero Employer & Alumni Mentors (T.E.A.M) is a USD platform that acts as a virtual community to connect Toreros from around the world. This platform allows students, alumni, faculty, and employers to share career and mentorship opportunities and ideas.
We want to keep building Panhellenic connections, even after our alumnae graduate! We are excited to say we have created a Panhellenic group on the T.E.A.M platform, for USD Panhellenic alumnae and active members to network, share advice, and support each other in our future careers! Follow the steps below to join our team today!
Step 1: Set up a TEAM profile here
Step 2: Join our Panhellenic group here
Step 3: Invite other Panhellenic alumnae and active members you know!